TWU Local 505
Transport Workers Union
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    Posted On: Dec 14, 2019

    REMINDER:  TWU VOL direct payments from your paychecks will stop on January 1, 2020.  You have 2 choices if you want to continue with your coverage: do nothing and you will recieve paper bills in the mail and you can pay that way OR follow the instructions on the attached flow chart to set up direct payment from your AA paycheck.

    If you have questions about setting this up contact the Hall at 650.692.1051 ext. 1.  If you are not sure if you have TWU VOL benefits you can.....check your paystub for the TWU VOL deduction and/or go to and see if or what you have (log in is required - first time users the password and username will be your AA Employee number.


  • TWU Local 505

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