TWU Local 505
Transport Workers Union
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    Posted On: Feb 21, 2019

    So, the Company gets a "score card" which of course is really a game played to see which station performs the best.  Oh boy !  We all know if we do good, Faith and Team look good and probably get some type of reward.  That said, Bruce made this list "areas we need to improve" because there was "score card" failures on these 7 items and he would like our score to improve.

    Most of these items are things we should be doing, and most of them are safety related.  I'm not sure if there will be any type of CR1's for not adhering to these items but best just to keep in mind that we are being watched and scored.  The other important piece of this is....all these items take TIME and I encourage you all to take the TIME to do them each and every flight.  There should be no fear of any type of fall-out because of a delay, aircraft go around, or waiting for your entire Crew to be in posistion.  These are their rules so we will not "get in trouble" for being compliant.

    Do your job - it'll save your job


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