As announced in the Association Update from July 26, 2024, the Association and representatives of AA Labor and Legal met on August 27th and 28th in DFW. On those days, discussions were held to further explore the Company's proposed short-term economic extension of the JCBA for all workgroups.
The talks yielded some broad-spectrum concepts of what that extension would include. Since these discussions are still ongoing, only some information can be shared at this point. This is to maintain the integrity of the offer and to discourage misinformation from being publicized.
Currently, what can be said is that this is an “economic” proposal and would not change or alter any current Contract language. Economic only relates to Chart Rate wages, shift differential, Crew Chief premium, and Control Center premium. The other component of the proposal is a “short-term extension” of the start of the negotiation process.
Local 505 will be setting up Zoom meetings soon to make sure that the Membership has updated knowledge of this proposal. Look for postings on worksite bulletin boards and on our Local 505 website ( and phone app for meeting dates and times.
Thanks for your support, rest assured that your negotiation leadership and committees are working hard to bring the best offer to you.
Special General Membership Meeting
Wednesday September 4th - 1300-1400
ZOOM - ID 368 762 1035 ; Password - 226061
Please see the attached Association Update